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Fritchle Back in the 2100 Club at Bill Smith Open

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Gregg Fritchle, who was sole winner of the Bill Smith Open.
Gregg Fritchle, who was sole winner of the Bill Smith Open.
Congratulations to Gregg Fritchle (2120) who was the sole winner of the Bill Smith Open, the first time in four tournaments where we didn't have multiple winners. Fritchle scored a hugely impressive 5.5/6, including wins over three experts. He also took his rating back over 2100 for the first time in many years, re-joining the rather exclusive "high expert" club!

Two players split the second place prize. Dave Matson re-gained his expert rating, going from 1938 to 2004, and Ke Chen continued her recent impressive form as her rating increased from 1940 to 1959.

Jeffrey Schwartz (1662) has been on a recent tear, drawing with Matthew Hayes (then rated 2009) in the previous Oak Tree Open tournament, and this time around beating Michael Cooper (2081) in the first round and then picking up excellent draws against Anthony Ge (1852), Gordon Brooks (1900) and Phil Chase (1891). All this meant a huge rating gain of 120 points!

Richard Luchetta is just getting back into tournament chess after an extended hiatus and he picked up a very handy 40 rating points, moving from 1395 to 1435. He was helped by two very nice draws against Ryan Chen (1725) and Edward Wu (1782).

Our next tournament is the Istvanyi Open, which starts October 14.