Istvanyi Open Round 3 - We Shao Overcome
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Joey Perez (right) vs Bill Kiplinger in round 3.
The Istvanyi Open resumed last night with multiple upsets on several boards. The results will set up some extraordinary pairings on the top boards in round 4.
On board 1, Craig Faber (2202) squared off against Dave Matson (1987) with the white pieces. Faber's London System failed to get much of an advantage against black's solid setup and a draw
resulted in the endgame.
Board 2 saw Gordon Brooks (1900) vs Michael Cooper (2057) in an interesting game where Cooper was up the exchange but white had two pawns by way of compensation. In the end, a draw was agreed because
neither play could make any progress with white's bishop able to defend his pawns.
Stephanie Shao (1814) kept up her recent good form with an upset win over Matthew Hayes (2051) on board 3. Hayes, playing white, probably had a winning position but left himself under a minute to play
almost 20 moves, the inevitable outcome being a blunder that cost the game.
The other upset on the top boards came courtesy of Danny Machuca (1731) who defeated David Argall (2000), and with black no less. White was up the exchange but had light squared weaknesses around his king
which Machuca exploited. Argall resigned when faced with losing his queen or being mated on h1.
The evening produced many other shock results. Bob Head (1479) has had a fine tournament thus far and his winning streak continued as he defeated Dane Hinrichsen (2000). Hinrichsen miscalculated in the endgame
and missed a cute move that meant Head's d pawn couldn't be prevented from promoting without the loss of a rook.
In another upset, Ryan Chen (1273) beat Roger Aramayo (1893) with the white pieces. Aramayo hasn't played much tournament chess recently but this was still a big upset, as was Anthony Ge's (1553) win over
Dave King (1796).
The other upsets were all draws, notably Steven Niles (1564) - Ron Morris (1836), Joey Perez (1510) - Bill Kiplinger (1774), Hector Valdez (1452) - Ray Sollars (1773), and finally Eren Karadayi (1764) - Michael Belcher (1508).
The Istvanyi Open will continue Monday, September 17.