Monday nights at 6:00pm
405 S. Santa Anita Ave, Arcadia, CA, 91006

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Simul with International Master Jack Peters

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IM Jack Peters simul.
IM Jack Peters is giving a simul at Arcadia Chess Club on Feb 23.
International Master Jack Peters will be giving a simul at Arcadia Chess Club on February 23. IM Peters is ten time Southern California Open Champion, nine time Southern California Invitational Champion (State Championship), and winner of numerous other tournaments in California. He was also the chess columnist for the LA Times from 1982 to 2011.

Simul Start Time: 6:30pm
Register By: 6:25pm on Feb 23
Entry fee: $10

Pre-register by notifying Dave King or Matt Hayes, or by using the Contact form on the club website. Preference will be given to players who pre-register, otherwise it is first come first serve.

The club will be providing some sets but please bring your own as we may not have enough for everyone. No clocks are needed. You will be expected to make your move when IM Peters comes to your board. If you are able to draw or win against IM Peters, you may submit your game for inclusion on the website where will have a full write up of the simul.

To pre-register for the tournament, please go to the Contact page or you can email/call Dave King or Matt Hayes. Their contact information is on the 2015 schedule.