Monday nights at 6:00pm
405 S. Santa Anita Ave, Arcadia, CA, 91006

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Steven Cheng Qian

Game and tournament history  |  Rating history/progression  |  Record vs other members

USCF Rating: 1874

Highest USCF Rating: 1909 (on 9/27/2010)
Lowest USCF Rating: 824P14 (on 9/26/2005)

Active at Arcadia Chess Club?: No
USCF ID: 13193195

View Steven Cheng Qian at the USCF website

Tournament & Game Data

Tournaments Entered: 30
Games Played: 136 (54 wins / 62 losses / 20 draws)
Win Percentage: 47.1%
Most Recent Tournament: Arcadia Bill Smith Memorial (8/13/2012)

Top 10 Tournaments

4/6 (=7th) at Arcadia Oak Tree Open on 8/9/2010

3.5/5 (=7th) at Arcadia Bill Smith Open on 8/8/2011

3.5/6 (=12th) at Arcadia Oak Tree on 8/10/2009

3.5/6 (=12th) at Arcadia B. Smith Memorial on 9/28/2009

3.5/6 (=12th) at Arcadia Summer Open on 8/4/2008

3.5/6 (=13th) at Arcadia Istvanyi Memorial on 11/5/2007

3.5/6 (=14th) at Arcadia Club Championship on 3/26/2007

3.5/6 (=14th) at Arcadia Bill Smith Memorial on 8/13/2012

3.5/6 (=15th) at Arcadia Spring Open on 5/14/2012

3/6 (=17th) at Arcadia Bill Smith Memorial on 9/21/2008

Best Wins & Draws, Worst Losses

Best Win (By Highest Rating)¹: vs Randall D Hough (2016) on 4/7/2008 at the Arcadia Sprng Open tournament

Best Win (By Rating Difference)²: Rated 1519 vs Randall D Hough (2016) on 4/7/2008 at the Arcadia Sprng Open tournament

Best Draw (By Highest Rating)¹: vs Matthew J Hayes (2018) on 8/1/2011 at the Arcadia Bill Smith Open tournament

Best Draw (By Rating Difference)²: Rated 1889 vs Matthew J Hayes (2018) on 8/1/2011 at the Arcadia Bill Smith Open tournament

Worst Loss (By Lowest Rating)¹: vs Zheng Zhu (1058) on 1/29/2007 at the Arcadia Winter Open tournament

Worst Loss (By Rating Difference)²: Rated 1387 vs Zheng Zhu (1058) on 1/29/2007 at the Arcadia Winter Open tournament

¹ Does not include results where opponent had a provisional rating
² Does not include results where either player had a provisional rating

USCF ratings are based on the member's post tournament rating(s) in their tournaments at Arcadia Chess Club. They may not reflect tournaments played outside of Arcadia Chess Club.